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I Put the Wood, God Puts the Crown: Embracing Sacrifice and Divine Provision

Ina recent sermon by Pastor Heiner, delivered on April 23, 2023, the congregation gathered at Home Church was invited to reflect on the profound message of personal sacrifice and divine provision. The sermon’s theme, “I Put the Wood, God Puts the Crown,” emphasized the importance of placing our trust in God’s guidance and provision, even in times of difficulty and uncertainty.

Believing in God’s Desire to Speak

Pastor Heiner began the sermon by encouraging everyone to believe in God’s desire to communicate with His people. He emphasized that their gathering was not in vain and that God was aware of their needs, situations, and faith. He reminded them that God is a speaking God who works through His Word to transform lives, heal situations, and bring about miracles.

Faith is not just about believing, it’s about our willingness to surrender, to take action, and to trust that God’s provision far exceeds our sacrifices.

Pastor Heiner

The congregation was encouraged to approach God with open hearts, ready to listen and receive His voice and life-transforming Word. Pastor Heiner led them in a prayer, expressing their willingness to be God’s students, with hearts ready to hear His voice and be changed by His Word.

“I Put the Wood, God Puts the Crown”

The central theme of the sermon focused on the concept of personal sacrifice and divine provision. Pastor Heiner drew inspiration from the story of Abraham found in Genesis 22:1. Abraham’s faith was tested by God when he was asked to sacrifice his beloved son, Isaac. The sermon underscored the importance of taking steps of faith, with individuals placing the wood (their sacrifice) and trusting that God will provide the crown (His blessings and rewards).

Lessons from Abraham’s Journey

Pastor Heiner highlighted the valuable lessons from Abraham’s journey. He emphasized that God teaches us lessons step by step throughout our lives. Just as Abraham’s faith was tested, God often calls His people to new levels of faith, pushing them to grow and deepen their trust in Him.

Faith Requires Action

The congregation was reminded that faith requires action. Pastor Heiner used the analogy of a doctor prescribing medicine to illustrate the importance of actively embracing and applying one’s faith. Mere belief is not enough; it must be accompanied by action and a willingness to align one’s life with God’s will.

Losing to Gain

The sermon also explored the concept that losing for the sake of God’s will is ultimately gaining. Pastor Heiner emphasized that surrendering to God’s plan and sacrificing worldly desires can lead to greater blessings and fulfillment. Just as Jesus said, “Whoever wants to come after me must deny themselves, take up their cross, and follow me” (Mark 8:34).


Pastor Heiner’s sermon at Home Church on April 23, 2023, challenged the congregation to embrace personal sacrifice and trust in God’s divine provision. By putting their faith into action, they were encouraged to align their lives with God’s will, knowing that in doing so, they would experience His blessings and rewards. The message resonated with the congregation, inspiring them to step out in faith and discover the transformative power of embracing God’s plan.

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