Making a Home in Jesus
Service & Legacy
Alfredo Duarte
Pastor“Our strategy is to create a culture that lives out our Christian values, populate with new believers, develop leaders, and strengthen our HOME. We aspire to reflect our culture and values in our leadership and service, create a passionate worship experience, and develop a close-knit community.”
Our Mission
Our mission is to create a church community where people from all walks of life can come and feel ‘at home.’ Home signifies a place of belonging and safety. It is within this environment that we expect God to transform our lives, as it is at home where we can experience the new life that Jesus offers.
Our Mission
Expressing Jesus’ Values
Raising Leaders
Part of our mission involves raising leaders, creating a culture of individuals empowered to minister to our society. The church is the place where the saints are being equipped for Jesus’ mission – to reach individuals, families, communities, cities, and countries with the message of salvation.